This past Sunday we celebrated World Communion Sunday, an event that lifts up the peace efforts of Christ’s followers around the world. Cathy shared a little bit about the extraordinary efforts of Presbyterian ministers and lay leaders in Colombia to stand in solidarity with some of the more than 5 million people who have been violently forced from their land. The Iglesia Presbyteriana de Colombia (Presbyterian Church) calls this work Accompaniment because they become companions of those trying to rebuild their lives. They establish churches, offer weekly worship, visit the members, listen to their stories and grief, pray together, provide support, education for the children, and they teach the adults their constitutional rights. They speak out for peace. For these reasons, the Presbyterian Church in Colombia has been targeted and threatened by armed groups.
In response the Presbyterian Church of Colombia asked the PCUSA to send Accompaniers to walk with them in their work. Cathy and Peter have responded and experienced this work first hand. They are prepared and called to share their faith experiences with those who would like to know more. Watch for more information about a Zoom presentation.