Union Church, Newburgh NY
July 5, 2020
Before beginning—please find
Bible or use
Bread/crackers, glasses, and beverage in a pouring container—enough for all participants for communion.
Light candles (optional)
We are glad that you are joining us today and hope you feel God’s blessings. If you do not have a church home, we sincerely invite you to be a part of the Union Church fellowship.
TODAY we have a special worship service provided for today by the national Presbyterian Church. It includes a traditional communion liturgy and some lively music.
Food Pantry: August 20 and August 22 from 9:30-11:30 am
Phone-in or Zoom Fellowship Time: Sunday, July 12 from 11:30-Noon. Watch for email instructions for access. It's fun and comforting to connect with friends!
The Declaration of Independence...gave liberty not alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all future time. — Abraham Lincoln
Worship service offered by former PCUSA co-moderator Rev. Cindy Kohlman and others in the Synod of the Northeast. Click here:
ANTHEM Land That We Love Union Youth Choir
Click here:
Please pray for Gerri M. and their family as they grieve the loss of Len... for Judith H. and John S. and all those suffering or limited by health conditions... for all who are feeling lonely... for the world as we grapple with pandemic, economic distress, racial inequities... and for wisdom and mutual cooperation in national/international political clashes that cost lives and well-being...
And for Union Church to follow a path that You would have us follow...
And give THANKS for so many blessings, such as good friends and....
For Reflection
God bless America. God may find it difficult; and if God succeeds—we may not like it! —Paul Scherer
Prayer Joan Brown Campbell
Holy God, You created us for freedom. You called us out of slavery, out of darkness into your miraculous light. You sent among us pilgrims and prophets and peacemakers who dared to dream of an America that would be to the world sign and symbol of life, liberty, and justice for all. We pray for that America.
Walk beside us, whisper that vision of hope in our ear again and again until America's flaws are perfected and liberty is laced with love and we claim the whole world as our neighbor. Amen.
Humor: Asked what's important about July 4, one boy exclaimed, "I'm free!" Another boy, not to be outdone, announced: "I'm four!"
Activity: Make a specific plan for taking action to be patriotic in the coming months.
Sandy, Interim Pastor