Dear Hudson River Presbytery Colleagues:
We stand with our Jewish neighbors to proclaim our right to Freedom of Religion and religious expression.
Our prayers are with all in the Pittsburgh Synagogue community and our country.
After a Terror Attack
Author of life,
Man has turned violent,
Crushing lives,
Upending dreams,
Attacking the heart of another city/nation
With vitriol and hatred
In [an act/coordinated acts] of calculated terror.
Source and Creator,
Grant a perfect rest under your tabernacle of peace
To the victims of terror throughout the world,
Men and women whose lives were cut off by witless aggression.
Today we [add / once again add] ______________ [insert city name]
To the list of places where innocents have been murdered and wounded.
Remember with love
The survivors of these horrors
Throughout the world.
Grant them shelter and solace,
Comfort and consolation,
Blessing and renewal.
Grant them endurance to survive,
Strength to rebuild,
Faith to mourn,
Courage to heal,
And devotion to each other.
Heavenly Guide,
Hand of love and shelter,
Grant the victims of terror Your protection,
Your wholeness and healing,
And Your peace.
From The first of a four part Liturgy after Terror Attacks from
Grieving and Hoping for Peace,
The Rev. Peter Surgenor
Temporary General Presbyter